So, the children were all nestled in their beds and the stockings were hung by the fireplace with care and cookies & milk were left out for Santa along with carrots for the reindeer. Then came 1 am and Bailey was awake and would not go back to sleep until around 4 am! The poor girl was so exhausted and worn out from the past few days plus she has a cold that makes her very stuffy and she is cutting her 3rd tooth! So Eric & I pretty much didn't get any sleep at all, just mainly from 4:30 am to about 8 (thank goodness they slept that long). Once the girls were up, we all went downstairs to see if Santa had come.

Looks like Santa paid us a visit

Jonathan playing with one of his new toys

Reagan was so excited to see her dollhouse

Bailey going for her bath toys

Bailey having fun on her zebra

I think this look on Bailey's face says it all and shows how she felt

Reagan going for a ride on Bailey's new toy from Santa

Santa brought Daddy Heroes Season 1

Look Mom, I'm standing

Reagan won't leave her dollhouse

Reagan loves her new bath toys from Mommy & Daddy

Look a sweater!

How nice, a helmet!

Wow, a bike!

Check out my new bike!

Look at me on my new bike with my helmet!

Jonathan checking out what Daddy got from the kids

Reagan & Daddy

Daddy got a hoops game, "like the huskies on tv"

As you can see Jonathan was just as tired as we were
Needless to say Bailey took a nap (a very long nap) in the morning so we gave her the gifts from us after we got home from G'boro. I actually haven't downloaded those sets of pictures yet and will post those later. I will also have to try & get a picture of Bailey with her 3rd tooth when I can and post that!