We had our first family Christmas celebration on Sat the 15th at Pops & Grandmother's house with our family and Kristi & Tony. The girls had a great time and Bailey finally got to meet Grandmother & Pops. We had a great time and the gifts were great! Everything was wonderful except for our 6 hr ride home!

Grandmother & Bailey

Reagan & Emma giving hugs!

I think this is the best picture we have of the 3, not sure I have so many and you can imagine one is smiling while the others are looking another way

Bailey chewing her gift, would you expect anything else?

James opening his gift

Emma helping Kelly with her gift

Geri is going to be baking us all cakes!

Reagan helped Papa D open his gift

Brandon likes his gift

Eric filming everything

Pops having fun watching the girls run around

Kristi & Reagan help Grandmother out with her gift

Actually have Grandmother smiling at a camera!

Mama playing with Bailey

The girls having fun, they wouldn't let anyone in the room
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