Friday, October 12, 2007

TN Trip Day 1 - Chattanooga

So we survived the trip to Chattanooga. Both girls did well on the ride. Of course Reagan wouldn’t go to the bathroom when we picked Eric up at work, so we had to stop on the way there. And of course there was nothing at the next exit so we had to pull off on some trail and let Reagan use her portable seat. Bailey fell asleep as we got into TN, which meant a short nap since Chattanooga isn’t far from the TN line.

We got checked into the hotel and then went over to the Children’s Discovery Museum. Both girls had a blast and were great with little naps! Reagan checked it all out, she dug for dinosaur bones, played with stamps, danced, played with bubbles, played on the rooftop, played in the little house, drove a car, and played with a train set. Of course I think Eric had more fun than Reagan, he played with everything also and made a tissue ghost! Bailey enjoyed it also, they have a special area for children 4 & younger and there is a section in there just for infants. And if you know Bailey, she tried to put every toy in her mouth so we had to bring her one of her toys.

After the museum we went out to eat. Bailey loved sitting in the highchair, she had a blast. Reagan ate a grilled cheese and had fun entertaining Bailey. Both girls behaved really well for little naps & playing hard at the museum.

Going to sleep was interesting in one room, but we did fine. Bailey konked out quickly while Eric & Reagan were swimming in the indoor pool. Then she woke up not long afterwards and didn’t like being in that pack & play while we were all up. So we moved her pack & play towards the door/hallway/closet area where she couldn’t see us and where it was darker. Once we put her down then she fell asleep pretty quick and made it until the next morning. I got to share a bed with Reagan and she did great and slept good all night. So we survived our first night in one room together.

Reagan doing laundry in the Little House

Reagan had fun playing with the train set!

Mommy & Bailey having fun on the rooftop

Bailey enjoying the infant section!

Reagan & Daddy out on the balcony

Bailey loved seating in the high chair

Reagan getting ready to go dig some dinosaur bones

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