Bailey turned one on Sunday March 9! Can't believe it has been a year already! Time flies! We had a party for her at our house on Sunday and the Sunday before that we celebrated her birthday along with my Great Aunt Rachel and my Aunt Margaret's birthday. So, Bailey got 2 parties! She didn't feel too good at her first one and didn't have any of the cake that her Daddy made her. But she loved all the gifts she got! On her birthday she was feeling better so she had a blast! She was into everything (as normal) and even actually made an attempt at opening a few gifts. Of course she got bored with that quickly and saw shoes on the floor that she could try & get (she loves to go for shoes -really basically anything that is on the floor or anything that she shouldn't play with). She enjoyed her smash cake and eating some of that and getting it everywhere. Her other cake was a Little People's Noah Ark cake which was really nice! Bailey had a great 1st birthday and got lots of great gifts! Just can't believe she is One now!
A special thanks to Brandon for taking most of the pictures at her parties and to Chad for doing the video as we opened gifts and did cake.
When I grabbed the pictures to post them, they posted all of order (which drives me crazy); but I wasn't going to try and put them in order.

Bailey is having fun sitting at Reagan's table - she's demanding service it looks like!

"Look at me, I'm one now and I'm sitting at Reagan's table!"

Eric was calling her Lyle Lovett with this nice hair do

This was a fun picture to try & get

Tyler was actually fussy & tired but once they put him in Emma's lap he started to laugh

The cousin's

Yum, milk!

So cute!!!

The sippy cup was covered in more cake than Bailey was

"That is pretty good, maybe I should get some more before they tell me no"

"I think I'll have some more!"

Sugar coma

Blowing out the candle on the cake

"This looks good!"

"This isn't my normal yucky food"

Bailey & Mommy

Bailey trying to get her Little People from the cake

Bailey is wondering why everyone is singing to her

"Oh wait, it's Little People, let me check this out"

Bailey's main cake

The smash cake

Bailey crawling around during the gift opening

Bailey checking out one of her gifts

Look animals!

Quick family picture while Bailey is sitting in the chair

Bailey actually trying to open her gift

A cute outfit from the Howerton's

Graham & Tyler having fun

Savannah showing me her hula hoop skills

The boys outside having fun

Check out Bailey's Princess Piggy Bank from Clint & Katie - so cute!

Bailey loves her Elmo & Elmo book from Cody & Joanie

What a cute outfit from Susan!

Bailey isn't too thrilled and doesn't know what to do with all the fuss going on over her

A Sesame Street gift from Mama & Papa D

Check out these great gifts!

Emma, Ansley & Reagan doing a puzzle

Bailey & Tyler having fun playing as Mama, Krista & Julie watch

Bailey trying to get to Reagan's doll house while she isn't around

Bailey in her decked out high chair checking out the balloons

The house is decorated and ready

Semi-family picture, Reagan was too busy doing a puzzle
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