On Saturday, Reagan & I went to Athens for the Georgia game. We got up early & headed out so we could get some fun tailgating time in, plus make sure we miss the traffic on 316. The game was fun and the weather was great! Reagan & Emma had a blast together and really entertained each other. Reagan was ready to go around the 2
nd Quarter; but I was able to get her to stay until the end of halftime. She was great and really enjoyed the day. She even walked all the way back to the car and talked to me the whole time (wish her teachers & others could have seen her just talking non stop).
On Sunday, we went out to a local pumpkin patch that is set up at horse stables. It was nice, not a huge pumpkin patch; but it was close by and not crowded. Reagan got to ride a pony,which she loves to do and she got her face painted. We went on a hay ride and both girls picked out a small pumpkin and we all did the petting zoo (well Reagan watched us). After we left the pumpkin patch we went to visit my grandfather in the hospital; we were finally all well enough to visit. We had a good visit and then headed home. Just keep my grandfather in your prayers please. Bailey never napped so she was out early tonight. We even hit the grocery store on the way home and then went out to dinner a little later, we were brave!
As Reagan would say "we had a busy day".

Emma & Reagan playing a game

Mama playing a game with the girls

For some reason Papa D let them play in his truck

Emma & Brandon on the bus ride to the game

Reagan would not look at the camera at all for Brandon, that is why I'm laughing

The players warming up

The girls at the game
Uga VII coming out of the new fire hydrant

Just a little of the
paparazzi around
The team coming out

Dawg dressed up in his Homecoming outfit

Dawg getting the Halftime Show started
Pumpkin Patch pictures:
Reagan actually wanted to pose for me

Reagan has started to cross her legs and it's just so cute

Bailey is too busy checking out the pumpkins

Eric & the girls on the hayride

Reagan loved the hayride

Bailey holding on to Eric's shorts

Reagan & me

Reagan on the pony ride

Reagan checking out the petting zoo

Bailey helping Eric feed the goat

Now she smiles!

Bailey loved the petting zoo

Poor guy on the receiving end on one of Reagan's looks

She really did love her face painted!

Reagan & the pumpkin she picked out
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