Since Eric had to work 2 to midnight on Halloween he was at least able to go in to Reagan's Halloween party at school but he missed going out & Trick or Treating with the girls. So the girls and I went over to Riley's house (thank goodness she lives on the other side of the neighborhood, b/c I saw traffic backed up past our neighborhood!). The girls had a great time but crashed a little early, which was okay with me, less candy around the house! Bailey only went up to like 2 houses and that was it for her. We thought Bailey would be all into when she realized there was food involved, but since she couldn't eat it right away (really she couldn't eat most of the stuff anyway) she lost interest. So next year will be her big Halloween year when she realizes it all. Reagan's Halloween party at school was fun, they had different stations set up so the kids just went from one station to the next and had a great time.

Reagan at the decorate your cookie station

Reagan decorating her cookie (she made sure to say we don't like the color orange when the orange frosting was made)

Parker & Nicholas making their cookies, well I think they were trying to eat them really

Eric just stayed at this station & helped out

Reagan at the Bingo Station

Reagan must be having fun to smile for the camera!

This was pin the whatever on the mummy

This is the craft station

Reagan enjoying her cookie

I think this was their favorite part

An attempt at a class picture

We got to Bailey's class to pick her up in time to see her in enjoy her special Halloween snack

She seems to like it

Her friends wanted me to take their picture also

Bailey was upset that Ms Jessica put the crackers in her pudding

Bailey doesn't know what to think with this costume on


What a cute crew! This was the last house Bailey went to

The girls going up to one of the houses

They seemed scared of this house for some reason

Reagan looks to be having fun

Getting some candy

Isn't she adorable!

Trying to get some sort of picture of Reagan in her outfit

The girls showing some of the candy they have gotten

Bailey having a blast in the stroller, eating her snack & drinking milk

Reagan will now pose for the camera!

And of course Bailey loves to smile for the camera!
1 comment:
Cute pics, Donna!
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