On Monday afternoon Reagan & Bailey went over to Mama & Papa D's house to spend the night! That was interesting since Bailey had to attempt to sleep in a big bed with Reagan or toddler bed. Well Bailey kept getting up and finally around 9:30 Reagan just asked Mama to close the door so she could go to sleep! Mama had to rock Bailey to sleep and finally she was out around 10 and slept good until about 2:30. She had fallen out of the toddler bed and was scared. She got her calmed down and back in bed and then 3 am Bailey is up walking around. So Bailey had to go back to bed with Mama & Papa D. They were glad that they weren't keeping the girls 2 nites!
They were back home on Tuesday night, but Eric had taken the crib railing down and just had a bed railing up and Bailey didn't like that at all. Finally we just had to put the railing up and she finally went to sleep.
On Wednesday, the girls went with Mama, Papa D, Kelly, Brandon & Emma to the Aquarium. The girls had a great time and behaved really well! They ate at Steak n Shake afterwards and of course loved that (well the milkshakes at least).
Bailey was back to school on Thursday & Friday. Reagan stayed home with me while I worked half days both days. Thursday after we got Bailey, they both got hair cuts. Bailey cried throughout her haircut. Reagan did great of course.
On Friday, Reagan & I ran errands and ate out for lunch. She saw the Easter Bunny at Walmart and got her picture taken with him. We got her some new ballet shoes & tights for her recital. That evening Reagan actually ate some chicken, which is a HUGE deal, because she never eats chicken! Very exciting!
Saturday morning we headed over to the Brandon's house for the Family Annual Easter Egg Hunt. We ate a wonderful breakfast and then the kids hunted for Eggs. They then blew bubbles & flew paper airplanes. Then they decorated cookies and did some games. They all had a great time. This was Bailey's first real Egg Hunt even though this is her 3rd Easter! We got home and had some quiet time and then we went through all the eggs!
On Sunday morning, we got up & saw what the Easter Bunny had left the girls! They enjoyed seeing their goodies in their baskets. We got dressed and headed to Sunday School in our Easter dresses. When we got home, the Easter Bunny had been there and had hidden eggs in our front yard! So the girls got to find more eggs. Bailey had to hunt eggs and walk around with a cinnamon roll in her hand! Then it was time to relax and get ready to head back to school the next day!
Reagan & Connor
Bailey hunting for eggs with her cinammon roll in hand
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