Reagan was so excited that it was her birthday that she woke up at 7 am! She ran into our room and woke me up and told me it was her birthday. She was also ready to eat a chocolate donut for breakfast! Now that is a yummy birthday breakfast! We went to Sunday School and after that we met Eric at
IHOP for a late breakfast. Reagan got the choice of going out to breakfast or dinner and she chose breakfast. Her & Bailey split the Funny Face chocolate chip pancake and both loved it! After that Reagan went shopping with Eric to get some stuff her party. When she got home she was able to open a few gifts and cards that we had at home. Then it was finally time for her party! As we were packing up the car for her party, she asked us where our gifts were. We asked her what she meant by that and she said "the gifts for me from you guys!" We told her she would open those when we got home from the party. Her party was at Imaginations at Play with some friends and family. Everyone had a wonderful time! There wasn't another party going on at the same time so we had the place to ourselves! They of course were ready for some cake & ice cream and we think Bailey & Peyton enjoyed that more than anyone! She got to open the gifts from her friends after eating some yummy cake.
I don't have too many pics from her party yet, we added a photographer to our party price so we have to get the CD from her with all 300 something pictures on it! That should be fun to go through!
When we got home from her party she got to open up the rest of her gifts. She got lots of wonderful things; pretty outfits, CD player,
CD's, Learning Tag system and books and all sorts of other great stuff!
I think she has tried to make sure she has played with everything!
At school she got a ribbon and pencil for her birthday and "hat" to wear. On Tuesday I will bring cupcakes for her birthday treat, she is so excited!
When we asked her what her favorite gift was she said "All of it!"

Birthday breakfast

Having a yummy pancake

Reagan & Daddy at breakfast

What a mess!

One of the dresses Aunt Rachel gave her

A dress that Ganny got her

Party time!

Playing in the sand box with her buddy Parker

Having some fun

They loved this part of the place; they ran every time the bubbles came out!

Imagine that, Bailey & Peyton still eating!

Opening her gift from Riley & Peyton

Austin got Reagan a Ga purse

This was fun; I think this is one of the better ones

Uncle Danny got Reagan a dress

Opening her gift from Mama & Papa D, a CD player

A skirt from Krista & Chad, part of the cute outfit they gave her
Opa & Grandma gave her the Learning Tag system, she loves it!

Aunt Julie gave her this cute dress

More clothes from Aunt Julie!

All dressed up in her Hannah Montana costume that Emma gave her

Her gifts from Bailey

A Pet Shop birthday light up dome from us

A big book from us

Me with my birthday girl!
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