We got up around 3 am on Friday to get our 6:30 flight out to Chicago. We actually arrived early and made it through O'Hare without any issues. We took the El and then got a bus to our hotel. We got to our hotel around 9 am and they actually had rooms available and let us check in. That was great, we got an hour to refresh and chill. We then started out on our walk to The Northern Trust building to meet Reese for lunch. It seemed like it was forever, but it was a great walk and we got to see part of the town. We met Reese at The Northern Trust building then headed to Potbelly's for lunch. Marty, another former coworker (actually my former mgr), met us over there; so we got in a good visit. Lunch was great and Eric said that was one of the best cookies he has ever had. Reese got us over to the El station we needed to take to head over to Wrigley's. So we made our way to Wrigley's so we could walk around there and see the stadium. We were amazed at the bleacher seats on top of the buildings that are across from the stadium. We figured it was time to get the vacation from the kids started so we hit the Cubby Bear bar and met a friend of Colleen's. We had some good drinks and laughs there and even saw lots of UCONN fans there. We then moved down to Sluggers Bar where they had batting cages and games upstairs. That was a lot of fun. After that we decided it was time for some good stuffed Chicago pizza. After that yummy dinner (which we ordered way too much of) we then got a few things for the tailgate and headed back to the hotel, on the El. It was an early night due to the early wake up for the flight and the fact we would be waking up early to leave for the game.
Saturday morning we got up and took a taxi over to the rental car place to get our car so we could head over to South Bend for the game. It was an easy ride over to South Bend and the exit dumps you out at the tailgate spot. Colleen's parents arrived not too long after us and were actually able to park right behind our car. We took a shuttle over to the campus to walk around and see some stuff. Since Eric & I didn't really need anything from the bookstore, we left the others and got some food and headed back to the tailgate. By this point it was time for me to put on my Georgia hat. I was going to be that fan. Several UCONN fans noticed the hat and gave their condolences for us losing Uga, which was very nice of them. Colleen & crew met us back over at the tailgate. We had a good time with the crew next to us. We then got on the shuttle and headed over to the game.
*Will post more about the game and what we did on Sunday and captions under the pictures.
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