Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

The girls had a great Halloween and loved going Trick or Treat, even during the rain! They were so excited to get dressed up and show off their outfits. They got dressed before the UGA/Fl Halftime so Mama, Papa D & Geri could see them in their costumes before they left. So they were both ready to go out early since they were already dressed up. We told Reagan we wouldn't really go out until 6:00 or after so she was watching the clock. Once it got to be 6, she was ready. I was able to hold them off some until they say a group walking around, once they saw that, we had to head out. We went to Jaime & Tyler's house first to say hi to them and see them in their costumes. We stayed in our cul de sac at first then moved our way up & around some of the neighborhood. Thank goodness that we were heading by the house when the rain started, which was not long after being out. That didn't stop the girls, they were still having fun. Bailey loved to ring the doorbells and was so cute running up to the houses to the door. And Reagan let her lead the whole time. Bailey did good but was ready to head home after a little while, but she hung in there and kept going along. She would say "i want to trick or treat at my house". We got home and Reagan didn't even go inside, she just stayed outside with Eric handing out candy. She had more fun doing that than actually trick or treating. Bailey on other hand, ran inside to check out her loot and of course eat some of it! After that she went outside and helped hand out candy with Reagan. When we were getting ready to close shop, Eric brought the candy in and we could hear Bailey saying "trick or treat" and she was taking all the candy out of the bowl and putting it into her bag!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Getting to meet some of the UGA players

After the game, Geri, Reagan & I walked back over to the stadium to see the team get on the buses. We were able to get our pictures with some of them as they walked by to get on their bus. They were all very nice and willing to get their picture with us. Even carrying their dinner with them, which was a pizza, gatorade & some chips. Needless to say we were very excited to meet some of them and get our picture with them, especially AJ Greene. I of course was really thrilled to meet Kevin Butler. He was very nice and talked to us. Coach Martinez talked to Reagan as he walked by and was very nice to everyone. We had a lot of fun and there were a lot of nice people around us that helped take pictures of us with AJ & Joe Cox since they were the last ones out of the locker room.

Aaron Murray, this was before we felt comfortable about asking for our picture with them
(we'll kick ourselves over the next few years when he is our starting QB
and we didn't get our picture with him)
Reagan & I with Richard Samuel

Geri with Logan Gray

Kevin Butler

Geri with Michael Moore

Me with Prince Miller

Geri with Blair Walsh

Reagan & I with Demarcus Dobbs

Reagan & I with Brandon Boykin

Geri with Jeff Owens

Us with AJ Greene

This was as close as I got to CMR, he was talking to us & thanking us for being there

Us with Joe Cox

Saturday, October 17, 2009

TN Aquarium

Friday morning I got up and went for a short run in Chattanooga on their pedestrian only bridge over the river, which was nice. After that we ate a good breakfast at the hotel and then got things packed up. I took the girls to a playground near by to kill some time before going to the Aquarium plus to try and let them run out some energy.

The girls loved the Aquarium. Bailey said she saw fish and "my shark". They loved the penguins and even picked out "their" penguins. They both did great walking around and not having any snacks.

I have more pictures to post from our other camera but that camera is currently with Eric at the UGA game.

Reagan taking pictures of the penguins

Bailey's shark

They loved seeing "Nemo"

Bailey admiring the fish

Reagan wanted to get her picture with "Nemo"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Children's Discovery Museum

We got to Chattanooga in plenty of time to spend a few hrs over at the CDM. The girls loved it! Bailey loved pushing the buttons on the instruments and making the music play. Reagan loved it all. And yes they are wearing the same outfit!

The girls did great on the ride there, Bailey actually slept for some of it so that was good. They are doing good so far on the trip. They did fine out to eat tonight, just a little loud at times. You can tell they have not had much outside time this week!

We went by the river before dinner and saw rowing teams out there and the girls loved it!

Of course now the real fun begins with trying to get to sleep all in one room and the two of them in one bed!

Coming down the stairs with Daddy after he had to go up to the top area & get her
Reagan playing in one of the water stations

Bailey at one of the music sections

Reagan made some artwork to hang on the wall

Hanging her artwork on the wall with Daddy

Banging on the drums

Reagan making music

Reagan putting on a show for us

Bailey joined her

Reagan doing a puppet show for us

Bailey doing the lights & sound effects for the play

Reagan loved this instrument! Bailey loves to climb but wouldn't do this one

Reagan pulling herself up

Bailey didn't like it


Our hotel

Bailey making bubbles

Bailey checking out the bubble she just made

Bailey trying to push Daddy around

Bailey playing in the classroom

Eric even got involved with this station; they had goggles out that would block your sight so you would know how it feels to be blind and have to figure things out by listening

Reagan climbing the wall

Bailey actually worked the wheelchair very well, she even "drove" it backwards

Posing in front of the school bus
Playing Bingo

Reagan looking for dinosaur bones
Back to playing the music
Posing for a picture
Trying to get the ball thru the circle
Again with the music
Bailey was having too much fun giving me a shot

The girls wrapping my hand up

Bailey driving the car

Reagan having fun crawling around

Bailey even got up there & jumped around

Eric walking around up there with Bailey

Reagan trying to make a bubble, she did pretty good

Reagan goofing off outside the museum