Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter Day

Reagan got up Easter morning and came in to Bailey's room as I was changing her and said "the bunny didn't come last night". She was expecting the Easter Bunny to leave the goodies in her room during the night. So I reminded her that we left the baskets for the Easter Bunny downstairs on the fireplace. She was then quickly ready to go downstairs and see if he came or not. She was very excited to see her Ariel sandbucket for the beach and her new outfit and goodies.

We then headed to Margaret's house for lunch and an Egg Hunt. Emma & Reagan loved hunting for eggs and Reagan got into it and was running to get her eggs when she found them.

Emma & Reagan are ready to go hunt for eggs
They're off!
Reagan running to get an egg
The family watching the girls hunt for eggs
Finding eggs around the pool
Reagan looking for eggs
She was so cute running to get the eggs
Reagan all smiles with her basketfull of eggs

The girls showing off their baskets
Bailey is out on the way home
Bailey with her Elmo basket and the turtle Ganny & Papa gave her
Reagan with her basket
The girls in their matching outfits

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