Monday, June 30, 2008

Swim Lessons

So Reagan just finished taking swim lessons this past Saturday. We went every Sat for 5 weeks and the class was 40 mins and she took the first level (Preschool 1). Basically they did the same thing every class:

blow bubbles with face in the water
practice swimming leaning on the teachers chest & kicking
practice their stroke with noodles and the teacher
floating on back
jumping in the water (other words also going under water)

Reagan enjoyed the class and did well and would volunteer for everything; but just didn't really want to put her face in the water much or go under. She did much better on the last class with putting her face in the water & blowing bubbles; but still wouldn't really go under the water at all. So she didn't "graduate" to the next level; which is fine. She's comfortable in the water and that's the main thing right now. We'll see if a week at the beach will make a big difference. Once I get the pictures downloaded from the camera (Eric is currently on call and the camera is with him at all times right now), I will post them of her at her last class with her certificate.

Reagan's class taking turns swimming with the teacher
Reagan & her treat for completing the class, a kit kat bar
Reagan showing off her certificate

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