Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

It was great getting to spend July 4th at the beach! I missed running in the Peachtree with my friends; that is just a wonderful tradition! But I did get up & run my own PRR down Cape San Blas Rd. Good thing was, that I was done just as my friends were starting the PRR! And by the time they were done, I was getting ready to go out on the beach!

We had a good morning at the ocean and both girls got in and loved jumping the waves as they clung to me or Eric. Bailey just giggled at it all. We stayed out longer than planned because they were having so much fun with everything.

We separated all 3 girls again at naptime and they all got in naps again! Reagan was out quick this time since Eric was with her but Emma took awhile to fall asleep but only slept for a short time. Reagan rarely naps and does not nap 2 days in a row, so that tells you how worn out they are.

With their late naps, Bailey went down to the beach with Kelly & family while I stayed with the sleeping Reagan who couldn't wake up. By the time she woke up & had a snack it was 4:30 or so; so we just went to the pool.

We had some good steak for dinner and then relaxed before heading out to the beach. The guys had a fire pit set up for a small bonfire and the tiki torches all around our area and the fireworks all set up. It was great and we had smores also! They did a great job with it all and we really enjoyed it. Bailey of course didn't really like the fireworks, but she didn't cry and Reagan just buried herself into Mama with her ears covered.

It was a great July 4th; just wish James was here to celebrate it with us!

Will post pics later!

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