Thursday, September 18, 2008

Arizona trip - Friday


I was up early as you would expect with the time difference. But I thought I would sleep better than I did since I was so worn out. Oh well, we don't have too much planned today anyway. After I read some emails & posted the pictures I realized that 6 am here is much lighter than 6 am at home (I thought it might be since I've been to CA a few times). So I went out for my run which the temp was much nicer than I expected. The sun was in my face on my way out but not on the way home so that made the way home that much better. I ran towards the Tempe Beach Park and ran along the river, which was nice. Lots of other runners, walkers & bikers out also. I also saw a man walking his 3 dogs, huskies! This is an exercise town! We saw a lot of ppl out exercising last night. I thought these people were crazy for being out so late exercising but Eric reminded me it was just 8. Well I'm off to shower & get some breakfast! I think we're going to head out to some farm for lunch that Eric saw on Diners Drive In's & Dives.

So we have had our breakfast and it's just 8 here! So we're just getting ready slowly, etc. I forgot to mention that last night at dinner I tried their version of mac & cheese and a southwestern cornbread. Both were good, the mac & cheese was like regular mac & cheese but no Paula Deen. The southwestern cornbread (which was brought to us in an iron skillet) was good, it had green peppers in it but was also sweet.

We think we'll be okay temperature-wise for the game. The sun is very hot asyou expect, but it doesn't feel too bad since it's a "dry heat". Plus the sun starts to go down here around 7 and that will 2 hrs into the game, so that will really help.

Ok off to finish getting ready.


We went back to downtown Scottsdale today to walk around & get some lunch. For lunch we ate a place called Stax. Their speciality is the slider burgers, but they make them with beef, turkey, ostrich, buffalo & a few others. I had a turkey one and Eric ordered 3 (beef, ostrich & buffalo). We also had a basket of tater tots, that were good. After lunch we walked around and found a gift for the girls, they will love it! It's a little purse in like animal print with a horse inside; they each get one. We then hit the ice scream store, "The Sugar Bowl". It was good and refreshing. We of course ran into all sorts of UGA fans out & about. We took the trolley around and headed back to the hotel. As we were headed back we saw a car that drove here from Ga! That's two that we know of now. We drove in front of the stadium to see it and we saw other UGA fans out & about checking it out also. Let me tell ya, when you see a car with car flags around here, the flags are UGA not ASU.

The rest of my afternoon was spent napping, so nice!!! Now to figure out what to do this evening, well I know we'll be watching the UCONN game, just matter of where we are eating.

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