Sunday, September 21, 2008

The game

Eric & our friends that are out here also for the game sat at Gordon Biersch all day. The place was taken over by UGA fans along with every other bar in town. Since I wasn't feeling too well (had too much fun the night before), I came back to the room and enjoyed the quiet cool hotel room and got some rest. Eric said they did chants and cheers though out the bar, with the fans on the street & with the fans at the bar across the street. I got back over there around 3 and it was just crazy! They ran out of bottled beer and plastic cups and ended up having to serve draft beer in Styrofoam cups.

We headed to the game around 4 so I could get a little something to eat, some water, etc. Our seats were 6 rows from the top, but the sun was to our back!! That made it a little bit more bearable.

We had an interesting moment during pregame when the SWAT team was there checking out a purse that had just been left underneath these seats. As they were opening the purse the band was playing the National Anthem and fireworks shot off and the guy in front of us jumped since we had no clue they did fireworks. All ended up being okay, but it was kind of scary moment.

We had a good time and enjoyed the game. Thanks to Eric's phone, we also watched some of the Auburn/LSU game. Everyone was interested in that game, especially an Auburn alum on our row. We saved the SEC chant until 5 minutes left in the game, which was when the ASU fans were heading out of the game.

As we headed out of the stadium doing all our cheers & chants, we went past the media trucks & trailers. Kirk Herbstreit was out there so of course everyone had to stop & get pictures and try & talk to him. One time they started chanting "Gameday".

We grabbed something to eat and brought that with us back to the room and cooled off.

The game was lots of fun and we really enjoyed it. The heat wasn't too bad and the stadium was almost mostly shaded by kick off, so that really helped.

Now we're off towards Grand Canyon! Go Dawgs!!!!

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